EFI and its members support, and are committed to working toward, the following shared values and principles:
- Forecasts support societal well-being and informed environmental decision making,
- Forecasts advance basic ecological research,
- Open Science (e.g. openly archived forecasts, code, and data) and the creation/maintenance of shared community tools, standards, and resources,
- The quantification, propagation, assessment, and communication of uncertainties,
- Training, collaboration, and community development, and
- A safe, open, diverse, inclusive, respectful environment
In the spirit of the development of a robust community of practice for ecological forecasting, EFI does not require that members have put all of these shared values and principles into practice, but rather it seeks members who are actively working towards them.
We recognize that our diverse community brings different expertise and experience towards these aspirational elements; we see such diversity as a benefit, and necessary to the development of a diverse and inclusive community of interest and practice. Thus, we welcome all participants, and encourage patience, tolerance among all, holding curiosity and respect as the cornerstones of personal and professional growth
EFI’s Code of Conduct
EFI’s Code of Conduct is available HERE.
EFI’s Operating Principles and Procedures (OPP)
View the Operating Principles and Procedures (v0.2) on a new page HERE or below.
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