EFI 2025 Conference

Save the Date!

Ecological Forecasting Initiative 2025 Meeting

Hosted by the EFI Research Coordination Network and the Virginia Tech Center for Ecosystem Forecasting

When: May 19-22, 2025
Where: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg Virginia

Call for Nominations! Deadline: August 30, 2024
The organizing committee is excited to get input from the EFI community to help guide EFI2025 planning.

Fill out this form https://forms.gle/PTWGueD1HCbb481a6 to
1) Nominate a session topic:  Describe a topic area, broadly related to ecological forecasting, that interests you (either as a potential presenter or attendee).  Topics can relate to cross-cutting themes (e.g., cyberinfrastructure, inclusion, methods, education, decisions), application areas (e.g., carbon cycling, biodiversity, water quality. invasive species, natural climate solutions), or initiatives (e.g., UN Sustainable Development Goals, National Ecological Observatory Network). 

2) Nominate a speaker:  Suggest an invited speaker you think would contribute to the discussion in your nominated topic area who can contribute to a robust conversation, engage with attendees, and challenge the community to think in new or deeper ways.  We aim to have a diverse representation (e.g., disciplines, career stages, institution types, demographics, etc.) among our speakers. We have travel funds available to support invited speakers, particularly speakers located in the U.S (via the U.S. NSF-funded RCN).

Note: The organizing committee will look at common nomination topics as we design the meeting program and invite speakers.  Your nominations will help guide this process.

This form is not a commitment to attending the meeting nor represents the submission of an abstract/registration.  The call for abstracts and registration will occur in November 2024.  All members of the EFI community will have an opportunity to submit abstracts to present within the finalized list of sessions.  

Conference Information
Mark your calendars for the EFI 2025 Conference!  Individuals are invited from academia, government agencies, industry and the non-profit sectors to come together in person to share cutting-edge research and applications in ecological forecasting broadly. There will be three days with keynote addresses, short research presentations, poster sessions, open time for networking, and a field trip into the mountains. The fourth day will be time for working group activities and training workshops.
An opportunity to apply for funds to support travel will be provided through the EFI Research Coordination Network, particularly for early-career researchers.

Virginia is beautiful in late May!

Stay tuned here for more details.