Distributed Leadership & Governance Committee

The EFI Steering Committee is creating a Distributed Leadership & Governance committee to help EFI to delegate tasks, distribute leadership across the organization, and cultivate new leaders to promote open, clear, and consistent communication with the EFI membership about what EFI is doing.

We are seeking expressions of interest from individuals from a range of backgrounds and career stages who are interested in contributing as stewards of change to the governance and operational needs of EFI.  The Distributed Leadership Committee will be comprised of 3-4 individuals and will provide opportunities for mentorship and leadership within EFI.  Additional details about the Distributed Leadership Committee can be found in the Strategic Plan on page 17.

Interested individuals can fill out this form to provide a short description (200-300 words) of your interest in participating on the committee and the skills and viewpoints you will bring to the committee. The EFI Steering Committee will review expressions of interest during their June call and will follow up after that.