Ecological Knowledge and Predictions:
Integrating Across Networks and National Observatories
February 19-21, 2018
Environment & Natural Resources (ENR2) facility
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Ecological Knowledge and Predictions (EKP) is a NSF OISE sponsored international workshop that aims to engage in a forward-looking and science-focused discussion about how networks and observatories can accelerate ecological knowledge-generation and predictive capacity. Two key questions serve as foundation for this workshop: What scientific advances can we achieve in the near term, given data that is available or coming online? What new initiatives (e.g., training, education, tool development, cyberinfrastructure) would accelerate the scientific progress in, and societal relevance of, global ecology? Overall, this workshop is organized around three major themes: (1) From Data Networks to Knowledge Networks; (2) Ecological Forecasting; and (3) Training, Education, and Outreach.
The EKP workshop has reserved 2-4 fully-funded opportunities for early career scientists (e.g., postdocs, junior faculty, and agency scientists no more than 6 year post-PhD) interested in participating on site. Individuals interested in participating should send their CV and a one-page cover letter (describing how you might contribute to, and benefit from, this workshop) to Mike Dietze, dietze at bu dot edu, with “EKP Early Career” in the subject.
Deadline is Friday, December 1, 2017.
For more information visit