Steering Committee elections ended on March 15, 2025. Results will be shared by the end of March.
The Steering Committee is tasked with developing and facilitating a long term vision and plan to advance the broader ecological forecasting community. The Steering Committee facilitates the EFI Strategic Plan and makes high-level decisions to support activities that will build our community of practice. Nominations for the next Steering Committee cohort will be accepted in February 2026.
Steering Committee Nomination Process and Terms
Anyone who is an EFI Member is allowed to be nominated or self-nominate to run for election. Nominees will be asked to provide a short (<1 page) statement about their goals for EFI and professional qualifications, which the election subcommittee will distribute prior to the elections. Find examples of previous candidate statements in the newsletters from 2025, 2024, 2023, and 2022.
Steering Committee terms are 2 years with the committee meeting once a month with an extended meeting once a year.
If you are not already a member, you are welcome to join the EFI community in this capacity by filling out this membership form.
See the current Steering Committee members below and find details about their terms and backgrounds in this newsletter. Jason McLachlan, Quinn Thomas, and Jody Peters are ex-officio non-voting members.
2024-2025 Steering Committee
In order for scientific tools and research to be innovative, the tools and methods need to be accessible to people who have been historically excluded and be culturally relevant. Antoinette is interested in working with historically excluded groups with limited internet access to make forecasting and data science accessible.
Istem is interested in forecasting terrestrial ecosystems and improving models through statistical methods.
Michael's application area is in translation of ecological forecasts to actionable science for decision-making. Specifically, Michael has expertise in stakeholder engagement and decision support tool design and testing.
Alistair's research focus is on marine ecoforecasts for pelagic species, at seasonal time scales and marine heatwave forecasting.
Quinn works to predict the future of forest and freshwater ecosystems by combining observations and ecosystem models using statistical techniques. He is the PI of the EFI Research Coordination Network and he is leading the NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge. He is a non-voting member on the EFI Steering Committee.