November 26, 2024
Below is the list of poster and oral presentations for EFI’s hosted session at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2024 Conference in Washington, D.C., as well as other ecological forecasting-related talks, and talks by EFI community members that may be of interest. All times are listed in US Eastern Time.
EFI has name badges! EFI community members can find Mike Dietze at the Conference, during the EFI-hosted sessions, or at the Social to get a badge.

Tuesday EFI Social – Meet up with others in the EFI community on Tuesday evening, December 10 from 6:30-8:00 pm at The Delegate front bar in the Courtyard hotel just across the street from the convention center.
EFI’s Tuesday Poster and Oral Sessions – EFI’s oral and poster sessions on “Model-Data Integration and Novel Paradigms in Ecosystem Forecasting” will be held on Tuesday, December 10. The Poster Session is from 8:30am-12:20pm in Poster Hall B-C (Convention Center). The Oral session is from 14:10-15:40pm in 149A-B (Convention Center). We’re excited to have a great set of speakers that span cyberinfrastructure, decision making, and forecasts for coastal and terrestrial ecosystems and organisms. Come check out the following talks!
Tuesday Poster Session (8:30-12:20, Poster Hall B-C)
- Tumaini Mutungi Kamulali (University of Arizona) – Simulating Seasonal Circulation and Projected Climate Effects from 2020 to 2100 on Lake Tanganyika’s Ecosystem with the 3D ROMS Model
- Matthew Manberg (Boston University) – Empirical Dynamic Modeling of Harmful Algae Blooms
- Dexter Howard (Virginia Tech) – High Forecast Skill of Dissolved Organic Matter Concentration in Drinking Water Reservoirs
- John M Zobitz (Augsburg University) – Uncertainty quantification for a daily soil carbon flux forecast across the continental United States
- Chu-Chun Chang (Woodwell Climate Research Center) – Advanced Arctic Terrestrial Data Assimilation: Integrating DVM-DOS-TEM with NCAR DART for Enhanced Ecological Modeling
- Zhuolin Du (Auburn University) – Evaluating Changes in Avian Ecosystem Services over Time Across North America
- Zhenpeng Zuo (Boston University) – Modeling Prospect and Uncertainty in Potential Forest Canopy Heights: Implications for Eastern US Restoration
- Katherine Hayes (Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies) – Herbivore Impacts on Postfire Boreal Forest Trajectories May Not Scale to Impact Landscape Carbon Balance
- Bharat Sharma (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) – Simulating CO2 Responses in Even-Aged Secondary Forests at Duke and Oak Ridge FACE Experiments with ELM-FATES-CNP
- Dan Gianotti (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) – Mechanisms Stabilizing Terrestrial Evaporation and Carbon Uptake
- DongHun Lee – Predicting Future Vegetation Occurrence Using Paleo-Climate Data and Machine Learning
- Khagendra Joshi (Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology) – Forecasting climate vulnerability of major temperate tree species utilizing ensemble species distribution model
- Rezaul Bari Ishan (East Tennessee State University) – Forecasting Habitat Suitability in the United States for Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in 2050 Using MaxEnt Approach
- Zhixin Zhang (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science) – Incorporating Multiple Sources of Knowledge When Assessing Species Vulnerability to Climate Change
Tuesday Oral Session (14:10-15:40, 149 A-B (Convention Center))
- 14:10 – Tracy Fanara (Integrated Ocean Observing System) – “Ecoforecasting using the community-based Unified Forecast System framework”
- 14:20 – Hassan Moustahfid (NOAA) – “Community-developed cyberinfrastructure for efficient ecological forecasting”
- 14:30 – Melissa Kenney (University of Minnesota Twin Cities) – “Decision Support Research Recommendations to Improve Ecological Forecast Understandability and Service Equity”
- 14:40 – Bilgecan Sen (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Appalachian Laboratory) – “Quantifying the short- and long-term predictability of Adélie penguin populations”
- 14:50 – Dongchen Zhang (Boston University) – “Mapping the North American Terrestrial Carbon Cycle: a Process-based Reanalysis Using State Data Assimilation (SDA)”
- 15:00 – Kyla Dahlin (Michigan State University) – “Forest structure in the carbon cycle: How can we estimate forest structure before spaceborne lidar?”
- 15:10 – Jianing Fang (Columbia University) – “Moving Beyond Plant Functional Types: Differentiable Hybrid-ML Carbon Model Retrieves Environmental Controls of Ecological Traits”
- 15:20 – Yanlan Liu (The Ohio State University) – “Diagnosing the impact of spatial scale on ecosystem-equivalent traits of soil-plant hydraulics using model-data integration”
- 15: 30 – Natasha MacBean (University of Western Ontario) – “Playing the Dryland Model Detective: Exploring the Current Status of Dryland Contributions to Global Carbon Cycling “
Other Forecasting Presentations & Presentations by the EFI Community
If you are presenting an ecological forecasting-related talk or poster that you don’t see on the list, email EFI so we can get it added!
- 8:30-12:20, Trent Ford (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Working Toward a More Drought-Resilient Urban Forest Ecosystem Through Accurate and Useable Drought Monitoring, Forecasting, and Communication
- 8:30-12:20, Bryce Mihalevich (Bureau of Reclamation Salt Lake City), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Predicting Seasonal Reservoir Release Temperatures to Inform Ecological Flows: A Retrospective Forecasting Exercise to Characterize Uncertainty and Data Limitations
- 8:30-12:20, David Durden (NEON), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Maximizing ecological data utility for addressing real-world applications
- 10:35-10:50, Mike Dietze (Boston University), 150A (Convention Center) – Projecting Soil Carbon Stocks and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes across California’s Croplands
- 13:14-17:30, Kari St. Laurent (NOAA), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – The Path Towards Operations: Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting at NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
- 8:30-12:20, Katya Jay (University of Colorado, Boulder), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Quantifying Climate-Driven Woody Encroachment Rates across Alpine Tundra Ecosystems
- 8:30-12:20, Nivedita Priyadarshini Kamaraj (Virginia Tech), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Forecasting Future Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay Using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence
- 14:52-15:04, Dante Horemans (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary), 143 A-C (convention Center) – Forecasting harmful algal blooms in the Chesapeake Bay using empirical habitat models
- 8:30-12:20, Moonil Kim (Pyeongtaek University), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Analysis of Species Composition and Distribution Changes in South Korean Forests Using the Individual Tree Data
- 8:30-12:20, Kelli Johnson (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Forecasting and Observing the Open-to-Coastal Ocean for Copernicus Users (FOCCUS): Towards Advancing Streamlined Coastal Monitoring and Forecasting in Europe
- 8:30-12:20, Mark Rodwell (European Centre for Medium‑Range Weather Forecast), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Evaluating data-driven global ensemble forecasts
- 10:40-10:50, Samantha Weintraub-Leff (NEON), Liberty I-K (Marriott Marquis) – Preparing Ecological Data for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enhanced Research
- 11:00-11:10, Stan Benjamin (Univerity of Colorado), Liberty L (Marriott Marquis) – A Regionally Determined Climate-Informed West Nile Virus Forecast
- 11:30-11:40, Yoonnoh Lee (Korea University), Liberty L (Marriott Marquis) – Prediction of Mosquito Population Distribution Using Artificial Intelligence
- 15:00-15:10, Inacio Bueno (University of Florida), Archives (Marriott Marquis) – RapidFEM4D: A web-based mapping platform for assessing the impacts and near-term recovery of Hurricane Ian on forest ecosystems in Florida
- 17:10-17:20, Abigail Lewis (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center), 151A (Convention Center) – Patterns and drivers of bottom-water greenhouse gas concentrations across 522 lakes worldwide
- 8:30-12:20, Cassie Buhler (University of Colorado, Boulder ESIIL), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Exploring Innovation in Biodiversity Conservation Decision-Making Through Open Science and Generative AI
- 8:30-12:20, Alyssa Willson (University of Notre Dame), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Both Environment and Feedbacks are Important Drivers of Macroscale Forest, Savanna, and Prairie Biome Distributions in the Upper Midwest, USA
- 8:30-12:20, Cazimir Kowalski (University of Notre Dame), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Modeling Sharp Vegetation Boundaries from Continuous Environmental Space, Species Covariance, and Spatial Processes
- 8:30-12:20, Jason McLachlan (University of Notre Dame), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – 2000 years of unstable forest-savanna boundaries in the Midwestern US
- 9:27-9:37, Quinn Thomas (Virginia Tech), 145B (Convention Center), The Forecasting Lake And Reservoir Ecosystems (FLARE) system: lessons learned from forecasting water quality across diverse applications
- 13:40-17:30, Max Beal (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Development of a seasonal to sub-seasonal cyanobacteria biomass forecast system for Lake Mendota, WI
- 13:40-17:30, Jimin Jung (Myongji College), Hall B-C (Poster Hall) – Development of a Near-Real-Time High-Resolution Leaf Area Index Derivation Technique for Air Quality Forecasting
- 14:20-14:35, Zhe Zhu (University of Connecticut), Salon H (Convention Center), Green to Gone: A Time Series Tale of Caribbean Primary Forest Decline